Thursday, 24 September 2015

At a time when there is so much unrest in this world of ours, it's important to take a step back and reflect on the goods things that one has in their life.  We are about to undertake a massive swift in energy, this may involve events not to our liking but sometimes these events need to occur for us to learn and grow as a society.  It is where one discovers that power and greed is truly the root of all evil.  That as a society we must embrace tolerance, compassion, emapthy and most of all LOVE,  not just for our fellow human beings but for mother earth and all her wondrous glories for without the mother we cannot exist.

In love and light always

Bettyblue :-)

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Who is Betty (Shekina) Blue?

She is a woman with a warm heart, whose extremely compassionate, caring and understanding (particularly to the needs of  those less fortunate).  She is very loyal and sincere, she's also incredibly witty, who enjoys seeing people laugh though not at the expense of others.

She believes strongly in encouraging people to be open and honest with each other, to TRUST and to always seek TRUTH, which isn't an easy thing to do, though knows it's but one of the many lessons put in front of us, as we walk our paths of self discovery.

She strongly encourages one to be expressive and proud in regards to who you are and also to be forever LOVING.  Even to those who have hurt you, for to hate only creates disharmony upon oneself, by surrounding them in pure light and asking the universal laws to take care of them and grant them healing, not only protects you, but helps those who have caused you pain.

She is a woman with different and varied aspects to her personality, which she keenly wishes to share, the mystical side to Betty is very imaginative, extremely creative and very powerful.  This is where Betty's fetishes and fantasies come forth, where imagery, lust and desire is taken to a new high, where the mischievous, kinky side to Betty is unleashed.  She's a strong believer of being able to convey oneself openly, without the stigma of humiliation and or prejudice, regardless of religious denomination, colour or creed, simply because one chooses to lead an alternative lifestyle.

Deep down Betty is a romantic who enjoys giving as well as receiving, she oozes sophistication, therefore has class, style and plenty of grace.  She strives only for the best and feels it's very important to lead by example.  Betty is deeply concerned about her fellow brothers and sisters, therefore environmental and world issues are of the utmost importance, as are humanitarian issues.

Betty's ambition is to help those of any nature, her vision looks keenly to the day when we can all live harmoniously together, walking our paths, learning from the lessons put in front of us.  Fulfilling the destinies we have chosen, avoiding at all costs the deliberate hurt of another, hence she views life Holistically looking to nurture not only the physical, mental and emotional aspects of one's soul but also the Spiritual

Betty has great faith and works hard in leading that path, as difficult as it is sometimes.  She also feels strongly that forgiving is the first step in the healing process and of spiritual growth.
Betty knows there are many out there who feel and think just like her and so she eagerly stretches out her arms to embrace all who wish to explore and enter the Mystical, Imaginative,
World of Betty Blue